This EUME Galosh shoe bag cum travel organizer is designed to fit it any shoes, such as golf, tennis, track, baseball, football, basketball and yes even your best dress shoes. This bag is made of waterproof material keeping suitcases dry, ideal for go hiking, camping, traveling and other outdoor activities. It is also designed to ensure that any smell from your shoes does not get transferred to your clothes while you store them in the same suitcase. This comes with a handle for ease and convenience of carrying. It has a Special mesh slot for slippers Ideal for traveling. A must have for every traveler to help keep your shoes neatly organized with a Shoe Pouch instead of having them strewn around all over the place, especially when you travel. This shoe bag also helps protect your beloved footwear from unnecessary external damages when you store them securely and safely in this pouch.
Dimensions (L x B x H):Centimeters: 20.32 X 18.41 X 33.02
Inches: 8 x 7.25 x 13
Weight: 0.13 Kgs (130 Grams)
Capacity: 13 Ltrs
Warranty: 1 Year
Material: Premium Quality Polyester Pvc Coated Fabric
Other Features:
- High Quality Shoe Bag .It Can Hold 3 Pairs Of Shoes. Meticulous Stitching And Beautiful Outline, You Can Organize Your Shoes With This Organizer Very Easily In Your Luggage To Make Your Life More Convenient.
- 1 X Main Compartment, Breathable Mesh Design Front Compartment And 1 Inside Mesh Pocket, Sturdy Handle: Convenient For Carrying.
- Water & Dust Resistant
- Top Carry Handle
- Heavy Duty Reversible Zipper